It took some modifcations to the ROM reading code, but I can now dump roms.. =] So.. this is not me playing a ROM from the internet.. I actually dumped this off of a REAL game catridge :) MY next plan is to hack the cartridge so I can upload code to it...
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Saturday, September 17, 2011
SNES Cart Connector Wired to Gameboy Cart
I know its ugly.. but not as ugly as you!!! lol jk
The MBC5 capability is not plugged in yet.. First I will test communication with SNES carts by reading ROM header.
The MBC5 capability is not plugged in yet.. First I will test communication with SNES carts by reading ROM header.
Friday, September 16, 2011
For the first time I have reassembled the firmware. It took a lot of effort but it is working. I added a MODE feature to the unit which can set the flasher for Gameboy or SNES, for different operations when reading/writing ROM/RAM...
You may also notice the "Disk Path" button.. this is also new. Actually, I wonder why this wasn't implemented before lol. When you click this you can set and save the base directory from which you would like GBFlasher to operate. -> where you save and load files from.. :)
Moving on.. I have soldered the SNES Connector as well as approx. 30 wires.. For the connector I had to saw off sides of the perfboard so that it would fit between the brackets, allowing the connector to sit closer to the board..
The following pics are my AVR programmer programming the new firmware with SNES mode capability, ensuring that my re-assembled and 'hacked' firmware is functioning correctly;
The 2nd pic is the SNES connector with "CrAzY wIrEs" , which I have begun attaching to the MBC5 cartridge.
I am using an MBC5 catridge because the Atmega8515 doesnt have enough i/o to do the job. there are 35 i/o on atmega8515, gameboy connector uses 32 i/o, atmega uses about 29/30 for the gameboy. well out of those 32 io, only A0-A15 are assigned, we still need A16-A21!!! So.. We use the MBC5 like a gameboy does, and instead of sending the MBC5 to ROM, we forward it to SNES address lines.. (which are gonna go to SNES Cart ROM/RAM)...
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
WTF is GBFlasher to SNES
I am working on this project I call GBFlasher to SNES.. and if you have no idea what I am talking about, but you are interested, Reeed on..
first you gotta know what a GBFLASHER is ..
^^^^ you need to hack a gameboy cartridge... I had Kirby's Dreamland 2..
I just ripped out the Black chip that holds the GAME DATA, then put in a NEW ONE that can be reprogrammed!!
<-My GBFlasher is here on the left. You plug in the cartridge and read/write ROM (Game) or Save data.
first you gotta know what a GBFLASHER is ..

I just ripped out the Black chip that holds the GAME DATA, then put in a NEW ONE that can be reprogrammed!!
<-My GBFlasher is here on the left. You plug in the cartridge and read/write ROM (Game) or Save data.
The Parts are IN!
Check this out!
These are the key components I will be using in my project :)
In other news, I have been hacking the GB flasher and have a test firmware assembled. This firmware simply tests if the new SNES mode functionality is working between the computer software and the GB flasher.. IF it is working, I can begin writing the code to Read the SNES Rom Header, and I must then do a major portion of the project -> Wire an MBC5 Cartridge to the SNES Cart connector to interface a SNES Cart over to GB Flasher..
WHY do I want to do this? Because Gameboy connector only uses 15 address lines. SNES uses more. The MBC5 Memory Bank controller should help :)
Then when I read / write Flash ROM, I will simply use GB Flasher's methods of accessing ROM in a MBC5 type cartridge :)
it's beautiful... it really is
These are the key components I will be using in my project :)
In other news, I have been hacking the GB flasher and have a test firmware assembled. This firmware simply tests if the new SNES mode functionality is working between the computer software and the GB flasher.. IF it is working, I can begin writing the code to Read the SNES Rom Header, and I must then do a major portion of the project -> Wire an MBC5 Cartridge to the SNES Cart connector to interface a SNES Cart over to GB Flasher..
WHY do I want to do this? Because Gameboy connector only uses 15 address lines. SNES uses more. The MBC5 Memory Bank controller should help :)
Then when I read / write Flash ROM, I will simply use GB Flasher's methods of accessing ROM in a MBC5 type cartridge :)
it's beautiful... it really is
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Fun with Gameboy Camera + Photoshop =]
praise the randomness
I am sitting next to my favorite kids in my Japanese class, so I am pumped!!! Looks like I need major refreshing in Calc I for Calc II :/
Programming in C should be a breeze.. Linear Algebra as long as I pay attention will be A+
and japanese is my SHIT!!! So really it's CALC II. God help me with CALC II. A+ baby A+!!!
Also in getting my other home-based projects.. Here is the agenda for where I am at..
- Mapping Gameboy Cart Connector -> ATmega I/O Lines PA-PD -> SNES Cart Connector. Learn how GB Flasher gets to high address lines..
- Add in SNES Flashing / ROM Reading functionality.
- TSOP Adaptors... Whenever they come in the mail...
- Fixing ISP programmer.. i have been soldering wires directly to AVR pins, i am using ribbon cable plug now =]
I've been using this program called AVR Simulator IDE. It really is great =] Real-time debug / simulation.. Only problem is that the hardware UART can only send a byte at a time..
I am debating getting this really awesome looking dev unit called the AVR Dragon, but it is expensive for me and idk if I would use it all that much... So probably not..
Well.. toodaloo
Monday, September 5, 2011
Secret to Singing
I discovered the secret when singing WAR, HUHA, GOOD GOD YALL, WHAT IS IT GOOD FOR??
SNES Memory Mapping..Address Decoding
Super Mario World
Address Decoder 74LS139 Spec. (two independent decoders in chip)
__ __
1G |01\/16| +5V
1A |02 15| 2G
1B |03 14| 2A
1Y0 |04 13| 2B
1Y1 |05 12| 2Y0
1Y2 |06 11| 2Y1
1Y3 |07 10| 2Y2
GND |08 09| 2Y3
| G | A B | Y0 Y1 Y2 Y3 |
| H | X X | H H H H |
| L | L L | L H H H |
| L | H L | H L H H |
| L | L H | H H L H |
| L | H H | H H H L |
Datasheet - 74LS139
Thursday, September 1, 2011
USB->LPT and SNES Copiers....
God... I prototyped this -> .. didn't work, ended hacking the hell out of a win2000 install for compatibility.. still doesnt work... >_<
I'm doing this so I can get my SNES Copiers to work!!! They use old-ass parallel ports and my laptop does not have that shiz.
So.. I'm beginning to abandon this project.. Besides, the LPT->USB would have been MAD SLOW....
So now something dawned on me..... I saw this
I'm doing this so I can get my SNES Copiers to work!!! They use old-ass parallel ports and my laptop does not have that shiz.
So.. I'm beginning to abandon this project.. Besides, the LPT->USB would have been MAD SLOW....
So now something dawned on me..... I saw this
Look kind of familiar??? Someone made a TSOP adapter similar to my own, except this is perfect for dropping into a SNES DIP36 ROM.
Well, since I already ordered 3 PCBS of my adaptor, I am going to plan on using another 1 of them for this. And hopefully, I can even use my GB cart flasher to flash these chips!!
Future work
1) Get a SNES Cart connector. Find an eagle Board layout that uses it..
2) Route GB Cart connector to SNES connector. Use a gameboy Cart and wire all pads -> SNES
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