Friday, September 16, 2011


For the first time I have reassembled the firmware. It took a lot of effort but it is working. I added a MODE feature to the unit which can set the flasher for Gameboy or SNES, for different operations when reading/writing ROM/RAM...

You may also notice the "Disk Path" button.. this is also new. Actually, I wonder why this wasn't implemented before lol. When you click this you can set and save the base directory from which you would like GBFlasher to operate. -> where you save and load files from.. :)

Moving on.. I have soldered the SNES Connector as well as approx. 30 wires.. For the connector I had to saw off sides of the perfboard so that it would fit between the brackets, allowing the connector to sit closer to the board..

The following pics are my AVR programmer programming the new firmware with SNES mode capability, ensuring that my re-assembled and 'hacked' firmware is functioning correctly; 

The 2nd pic is the SNES connector with "CrAzY wIrEs" , which I have begun attaching to the MBC5 cartridge. 

I am using an MBC5 catridge because the Atmega8515 doesnt have enough i/o to do the job. there are 35 i/o on atmega8515, gameboy connector uses 32 i/o, atmega uses about 29/30 for the gameboy. well out of those 32 io, only A0-A15 are assigned, we still need A16-A21!!! So.. We use the MBC5 like a gameboy does, and instead of sending the MBC5 to ROM, we forward it to SNES address lines.. (which are gonna go to SNES Cart ROM/RAM)...

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