It took some modifcations to the ROM reading code, but I can now dump roms.. =] So.. this is not me playing a ROM from the internet.. I actually dumped this off of a REAL game catridge :) MY next plan is to hack the cartridge so I can upload code to it...
I know it's not much for actual proof, but I haven't been taking many pics or video lately.. Don't worry I will be in the future when the project approaches final completion.
Furthermore, i went and soldered an am29f032b to my tsop adaptor and a soldered every frigen wire to the mask ROM pinout.. but it was not working. and I think it was due to a shitty soldering of the TSOP. I couldn't seem to fix it easily enough, so I went and updated a TSOP model that is more legit. This one will let me solder pin headers straight into the SNES cartridge. No more WIRES~~
I am now a little frightened of soldering the TSOP-40. I don't want to wreck another chip, they are expensive, like $10, and also rare. It is true that I did not use solder paste, and only have a radioshack soldering iron, so maybe this is the problem. SO, I am seeking help in this part....
It will be another week or 2 until I receive the new adaptors... Until then, if someone can help me solder a TSOP, because I could use it for the larger Gameboy cart I want to make.
Hey! Just letting you know that your blog is great great help! I somehow followed the same guides and made the same mistakes as you did (trying to solder wires to a TSOP). Right now I have the 32Mbit TSOP, a bunch of battery-backed cartidges, time and money to make this happen. If you want to get in touch my email is dym_gmaker /at/